
Attorneys React to Death Penalty Repeal

Gov. Jared Polis on March 23 signed a bill...

Oral Arguments Held in Planned Parenthood Premises Liability Case

The Colorado Supreme Court heard oral arguments March 10...

Colorado Moves Toward Limiting ‘Panic’ Defenses

A white supremacist wouldn’t be able to defend themselves...

Bill Targeted at Camping Bans Dies Decisively in Committee

A bill limiting local governments’ authority to enforce camping...

Dish Network Case Remains Intact in Colorado for Off-Duty Marijuana Use

For now, a 2015 Colorado Supreme Court ruling about...

One Step Closer to a 23rd Judicial District

A bill to create Colorado’s 23rd judicial district passed...
Colorado State Capitol Denver

Construction Defects Bill Gets Day in Committee

Colorado’s construction industry last had major changes to the...

State Bill Could Limit Enforcement of Camping Bans

The Colorado legislature is using a county court ruling...

23rd District Caseloads: Insert Best Guess Here

A bill to split off three of the 18th...