Tag:law firm updates

Spencer Fane and Vicente Sederberg Add Denver Partners, WTO Announces 2021 New Hire Class and Brownstein Adds One

This week, Spencer Fane and Vicente Sederberg add Denver partners, WTO announces 2021 new hire class and Brownstein adds one.

New Trustees at Legal Aid Foundation, Gilbert Román Selected as Court of Appeals Chief-Judge Designate

Holland & Hart and Davis Graham & Stubbs add attorneys, Gilbert Román appointed to Chief-Judge designate for Court of Appeals and Myka Landry appointed to 13th JD.

WTO Founder Becomes First Colorado President of the ACTL, Juvenile Justice Commission Announced

Moye White adds three to business and real estate sections, Jason Wareham joins The Law Center P.C. and new commission appointments have been announced.

Troutman Pepper Adds One, Akerman Appoints Denver Office Managing Partner, Annual Colorado District Attorneys Awards Out

This week, Troutman Pepper added a new attorney as a partner and Ackerman LLP named a new office managing partner for its Denver office.

Applications Open for 33 Judicial Nominating Commissions, DGS and Fisher Phillips Add Attorneys

Applications are open for 33 judicial nominating commissions across the state, and DGS and Fisher Phillips added attorneys this week.