Chief Justice Monica Márquez Asks the Legislature to Help Ease the Judiciary’s Unsustainable Workload

Colorado’s Chief Justice, Monica Márquez, told the Colorado General Assembly of the numerous challenges the state’s judges are facing.

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Chief Justice Monica Márquez Asks the Legislature to Help Ease the Judiciary’s Unsustainable Workload

Colorado’s Chief Justice, Monica Márquez, told the Colorado General Assembly of the numerous challenges the state’s judges are facing.

Juvenile Justice Symposium Will Return for its 15th Year in Colorado

For more than 15 years, the Juvenile Justice Symposium has educated college, high school and middle school students and their families about criminal and juvenile law and school discipline.

Court Opinions: 10th Circuit Finds Magistrate Judge Improperly Granted Summary Judgment in Title VII Case

The 10th Circuit Court of Appeals found that a fired employee had raised sufficient evidence on two Title VII claims.

Court Opinions: US Supreme Court Rules Prejudicial Evidence at Trial Allows for Relief Under Due Process Clause

The Supreme Court found that when evidence is introduced that is so unduly prejudicial that it renders the trial fundamentally unfair, the due process clause of the 14th Amendment provides a mechanism for relief.

Court Opinions: Colorado Supreme Court Affirms Elephants Aren’t ‘People’ Under the State’s Habeas Statute

The state Supreme Court affirmed that Colorado’s habeas statute only applies to persons, and not to nonhuman animals, no matter how cognitively sophisticated they may be.

Xavier Webb and Roni Vogt Join Davis Graham as Associates

Davis Graham announced that Xavier Webb and Roni Vogt have joined the firm’s tax and corporate and business groups, respectively.

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Estate Administration Basic Skills

CBA CLE East Classroom +1 more

From event organizers: Co-Sponsored by the Colorado Bar Association Trust and Estate Section CBA CLE East Classroom 1290 Broadway #1700 Denver, CO 80203 8 CLE Credit

