Bill # | Short Title | Bill Summary |
HB24-1007 | Prohibit Residential Occupancy Limits | The bill prohibits local governments from enacting or enforcing residential occupancy limits unless those limits are tied to a minimum square footage per person requirement that is necessary to regulate safety, health, and welfare based on familial relationship while allowing local governments to implement residential occupancy limits based on demonstrated health and safety standards such as international building code standards, fire code regulations, or Colorado department of public health and environment wastewater and water quality standards. |
HB24-1011 | Mortgage Servicers Disburse Insurance Proceeds | The bill requires a mortgage servicer to disclose certain information to a borrower concerning the disbursement of insurance proceeds to the borrower in the event that a residential property that is subject to a mortgage is damaged or destroyed and an insurance company pays a claim associated with such damage or destruction. In the event that half or more of a residential property is damaged or destroyed, a mortgage servicer must work with the a borrower, to after consulting with the borrower’s contractor, must create a written repair plan or a written rebuild plan that includes and submit the plan to the mortgage servicer for approval. |
HB24-1057 | Prohibit Algorithmic Devices Used for Rent Setting | The bill states that a landlord, may not employ or rely upon an algorithmic device in setting the amount of rent to be charged to a tenant for the occupancy of a residential premises, may not employ or rely upon an algorithmic device that uses, incorporates, or was trained with nonpublic competitor data. |
HB24-1078 | Regulation of Community Association Managers | The bill establishes licensure requirements for business entities that perform community association management for common interest communities in the state and makes it unlawful, on and after July 1, 2025, for a business entity to perform community association management duties without a license. |
HB24-1083 | Construction Professional Insurance Coverage Transparency | The bill requires the division of insurance to conduct or cause to be conducted a study of construction liability insurance for construction professionals in Colorado. |
HB24-1091 | Fire-Hardened Building Materials in Real Property | The bill generally prohibits covenants and other restrictions that disallow the installation, use, or maintenance of fire-hardened building materials in residential real property, including in common interest communities. |
HB24-1098 | Cause Required for Eviction of Residential Tenant | With certain exceptions, the bill prohibits a landlord from evicting a residential tenant unless the landlord has cause for eviction. |
HB24-1125 | Tax Credit Commercial Building Conversion | The bill creates a new refundable tax credit to be claimed in tax years commencing on or after January 1, 2026, and before January 1, 2036. The credit may be claimed for certain costs related to the conversion of a commercial structure to a residential structure. In order to claim the credit, a person must submit an application, a conversion plan, and an estimate of the qualified conversion expenditures under the conversion plan to the governor’s office of economic development. |
HB24-1152 | Accessory Dwelling Units | The bill establishes unique requirements for subject jurisdictions and for qualifying as an accessory dwelling unit supportive jurisdiction. |
HB24-1158 | Homeowners’ Association Foreclosure Sales Requirements | The bill makes changes to the law relating to the foreclosure of a unit owners’ association’s lien on a homeowner’s home for unpaid HOA assessments. |
HB24-1175 | Local Governments Rights to Property for Affordable Housing | The bill creates 2 property rights for local governments to certain types of multifamily rental properties: A right of first refusal and a right of first offer. The right of first offer is temporary and terminates on December 31, 2029. For multifamily rental properties that are existing affordable housing, a local government has a right of first refusal to match an acceptable offer for the purchase of such property, subject to the local government’s commitment to using the property as long-term affordable housing. |
HB24-1230 | Protections for Real Property Owners | Sections 1 and 4 make it a violation of the “Colorado Consumer Protection Act” to obtain or attempt to obtain a waiver or limitation that violates the aforementioned current law. Section 4 also requires a court to award to a claimant that prevails in a claim arising from alleged defects in a residential property construction, in addition to actual damages, prejudgment interest on the claim at a rate of 6% from the date the work is finished to the date it is sold to an occupant and 8% thereafter. |
HB24-1233 | Homeowners’ Association Delinquency Payments Enforcement Procedures | The bill changes some procedural requirements by: Removing a requirement that an HOA physically post notice of a unit owner’s delinquent account on the unit owner’s unit; and Reducing the minimum duration of a payment plan that an HOA may enter into with a unit owner for the payment of unpaid fees, fines, or surcharges from 18 months to 12 months; Removing the requirement that monthly installments of a payment plan be paid in amounts of at least $25 until the balance owed is less than $25; and Allowing an HOA to charge a unit owner for the cost of sending notices or documentation by certified mail. |
HB24-1239 | Single-Exit Stairway Multifamily Structure | On or before December 1, 2026, the bill requires a board of county commissioners or the governing body of a municipality to adopt a building code, or amend an existing building code, to allow up to 5 stories of a multifamily residential building to be served by a single exit. |
HB24-1259 | Price Gouging in Rent Declared Disaster | The bill prohibits price gouging in the provision of housing during a declared disaster. |
HB24-1267 | Metropolitan District Covenant Enforcement Policy | The bill requires a metropolitan district engaging in covenant enforcement and design review services to comply with certain procedural requirements, including: Adopting a written policy governing the imposition and collection of fines; Adopting a written policy governing how disputes between the metropolitan district and a resident are addressed; and Refraining from prohibiting residents from engaging in certain activities regarding the use of their property, including displaying flags and signs; parking a motor vehicle in a driveway; removing certain vegetation to create a defensible space for fire mitigation purposes; performing reasonable property modifications to accommodate disabilities; using xeriscape, nonvegetative turf grass, or drought-tolerant landscaping; using a rain barrel; operating a family child care home; using renewable energy generation devices; and installing or using an energy efficiency measure. |
HB24-1294 | Mobile Homes in Mobile Home Parks | The bill modifies the “Mobile Home Park Act.” |
HB24-1308 | Effective Implementation of Affordable Housing Programs | The bill requires the division of housing to add to the public report information on applications for affordable housing programs that the division administers, including the number of applications approved, denied, and pending, the amount of money awarded from approved applications, and the amount of money applied for but not awarded from denied applications. |
HB24-1313 | Housing in Transit-Oriented Communities | Section 1 of the bill establishes a category of local government: A transit-oriented community. As defined in the bill, a transit-oriented community is either a local government that: Is entirely within a metropolitan planning organization; Has a population of 4,000 or more; and Contains at least 75 acres of certain transit-related areas; or If the local government is a county, contains either a part of: A transit station area that is both in an unincorporated part of the county and within one-half mile of a station that serves a commuter rail service or light rail service; or A transit corridor area that both is in an unincorporated part of the county and is fully encompassed by one or more municipalities. The bill requires a transit-oriented community to meet its housing opportunity goal and relatedly requires the department to: On or before July 31, 2024, publish a map that designates transit areas that transit-oriented communities shall use in calculating their housing opportunity goal; and On or before December 31, 2024, publish models and guidance to assist a transit-oriented community in meeting its housing opportunity goal. |
HB24-1314 | Modification Tax Credit Preservation Historic Structures | The bill modifies the income tax credit for qualified costs incurred in preservation of historic structures. |
HB24-1315 | Study on Remediation of Property Damaged by Fire | The bill requires the division of insurance to conduct a study regarding the remediation of residential premises that have been damaged from smoke, soot, ash, and other contaminants as a result of a fire. |
HB24-1318 | Modify Rental Premises Person with Disability | Under current law, it is unlawful for a person to discriminate against a renter in the rental of a dwelling because the renter has a disability. Discrimination includes a refusal to permit reasonable modifications of existing premises occupied or to be occupied by an individual with a disability if the modifications are necessary to afford the individual with full enjoyment of the premises. The bill removes the provision that allows a landlord to condition permission for a modification on the renter agreeing to restore the interior of the premises. |
HB24-1322 | Medicaid Coverage Housing & Nutrition Services | The bill directs the department of health care policy and financing to conduct a feasibility study to explore the feasibility of seeking federal authorization to provide nutrition and housing services that address medicaid members’ health-related social needs. |
HB24-1337 | Real Property Owner Unit Association Collections | In common interest communities for real property, current law allows a unit owners’ association to require, without starting a legal proceeding, a unit owner to reimburse the association for collection costs, attorney fees, or other costs resulting from the owner failing to timely pay assessments or other money owed. The bill limits the reimbursement amount to 50% of the original money owed. |
HB24-1383 | Common Interest Community Declarations | The bill clarifies that: A declaration that forms a common interest community must be executed by or with the express written authorization of the owner or owners of the real estate that is to be included in the common interest community; and Any amendment to a declaration that adds real estate to a common interest community must be executed by or with the express written authorization of the owner or owners of the real estate to be added. |
SB24-021 | Exempt Small Communities from HOA Requirements | The bill combines exemptions, with amendments, to state that a cooperative or planned community may avail itself of the exemption if: A cooperative or planned community was created on or after July 1, 1992, and either contains only units restricted to nonresidential use or contains no more than 20 units and is not subject to any development rights; or A planned community provides in its declaration that the annual average common expense liability of each unit restricted to residential purposes must not exceed $400, as adjusted annually since July 1, 1999, for changes in the CPI. |
SB24-094 | Safe Housing for Residential Tenants | The bill modifies existing warranty of habitability laws by clarifying actions that constitute a breach of the warranty of habitability and procedures for both landlords and tenants when a warranty of habitability claim is alleged by the tenant. |
SB24-106 | Right to Remedy Construction Defects | Section 2 of the bill clarifies that a person that has had a claim brought on the person’s behalf is also considered a claimant, and therefore, the act applies to the person for whom the claim is brought. Sections 3 and 6 create a right for a construction professional to remedy a claim made against the construction professional by doing remedial work or hiring another construction professional to perform the work. |
SB24-112 | Construction Defect Action Procedures | Section 1 of the bill adds disclaimers to the “Construction Defect Action Reform Act” that: Are not intended to impose an obligation upon construction professionals to provide an express or implied warranty; Apply to implied warranty claims; and Do not amend or change the terms of or limitation upon an express or implied warranty. The bill states that a construction professional is not vicariously liable for the acts or omissions of a licensed design professional for any construction defects. |
SB24-134 | Operation of Home-Based Businesses | The bill prohibits a unit owners’ association from prohibiting the operation of a home-based business in a common interest community. |
SB24-145 | Uniform Unlawful Restrictions in Land Records | The bill enacts the “Uniform Unlawful Restrictions in Land Records Act (2023),” as drafted by the Uniform Law Commission, which establishes a process for a person to remove these unlawful restrictions from a title or other document related to real property. |
SB24-154 | Accessory Dwelling Units | Section 1 of the bill creates a series of requirements related to accessory dwelling units in subject jurisdictions. As established in the bill, a subject jurisdiction is the unincorporated portion of a county that is not within: A unit owners’ association; or An area identified as having a high fire intensity on the fire intensity scale published as part of the Colorado state forest service wildfire risk viewer. The bill requires a subject jurisdiction to allow, on or after January 1, 2025, subject to an administrative approval process, the conversion of an accessory dwelling unit. |
SB24-174 | Sustainable Affordable Housing Assistance | The bill requires the executive director of the department of local affairs, no later than December 31, 2024, to develop reasonable methodologies for conducting statewide, regional, and local housing needs assessments and reasonable guidance for a local government to identify areas at elevated risk of displacement. |
This special bill report is courtesy of State Bill Colorado, a product of our publisher Circuit Media.