Tag:Colorado Constitution

Court Opinions: Colorado Court of Appeals Opinions for Feb. 24

The Court of Appeals issued four opinions on Feb. 24, including if defendants who refuse a blood draw are protected by the Fourth Amendment.

Court Opinions: Colorado Court of Appeals Opinions for Nov. 18

The Colorado Court of Appeals issued opinions on two criminal cases, a personal injury case and a family law case.

New Legislative Map Approved By Colorado Supreme Court

The Colorado Supreme Court rejected legal challenges and approved the state’s new legislative redistricting map.

Court Opinions: Colorado Court of Appeals Opinions for Nov. 10

The Colorado Court of Appeals issued its opinion on Rocky Mountain Gun Owners v. Polis, which challenges the passage of the "red flag law."

Court Opinions: Colorado Court of Appeals Opinions for Nov. 4

The Colorado Court of Appeals ruled on four cases today, including People v. Taylor, People v. Caime, Johnson v. CSA and In re Estate of Dowdy

Court Opinions: Colorado Court of Appeals Opinions for July 1

The Colorado Court of Appeals on July 1 ruled in Accetta v. Brooks Tower Residence, People in Interest of J.M.M. and others.

Annie Kao to Become State Government Ethics Commissioner

Annie Kao was appointed yesterday to the state’s Independent Ethics Commission which gives guidance on ethical issues for elected officials.

Colorado Supreme Court Finds High-Speed Bill Reading Unconstitutional

The Colorado Supreme Court held that a high-speed bill reading during the General Assembly’s 2019 session didn’t comply with the Colorado Constitution.