
Bill Removing Colorado’s Second Union Election Requirement Passes First Hurdle on Party-Line Vote

Democratic legislators advanced the bill after four hours of testimony from union officials, workers, business owners and industry groups.

Colorado’s Unique Labor Organizing Law

Colorado’s Labor Peace Act looks likely to stir up controversy in the next legislative session, just like when it passed in 1943.

Colorado Nonprofit Big Green Settles on Unfair Labor Charges

Big Green settled on six unfair labor practice charges, with 10 employees receiving nearly $450,000 in backpay, benefits and wages.

Denver City Council Passes Ballot Question on City Workers’ Rights to Collectively Bargain, Strike

Denver voters look set to determine the ability of city workers’ rights to collectively bargain and strike on this November’s ballot.

End-of-Year NLRB Rulings Could Have Big Impacts

The National Labor Relations Board last week issued several rulings that could have major impacts on labor disputes and unionization.

Colorado Public Defenders Form Union

The Defenders Union of Colorado hopes to improve burnout and case outcomes at the Office of the Colorado State Public Defender.