5Q is your way to get more acquainted with the local legal community. Submissions come from lawyers, paralegals, judges and law professors alike. In 5Q, you’ll discover insights on the profession while learning more about the people behind the practice. Responses are edited for clarity and length.
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This week, we heard from Edison McDaniels, associate and trial attorney at Burg Simpson. Practicing with the Construction Defects Litigation Group, “McDaniels has focused his practice on construction defect law and construction products liability.” Read more about McDaniels’ practice and experience in his online biography.
Question 1
If you could choose to master a musical instrument that you don’t already know how to play, which one would it be and why?
A: The Harpejji — it’s basically a piano guitar and can play pretty much anything.
Question 2
What is your favorite clause of the Constitution and why?
A: All of Article V — it identified the fact that this nation would change and provided a process to meet the changing demands of the United States.
Question 3
If you could travel back in time and talk to any historical figure about the law, who would you talk to and what would you say to them?
A: Frederick Douglass — I would be interested in his experience moving from slave to well-spoken abolitionist in a time where the law did not provide for his freedom.
Question 4
What’s your favorite book and why?
A: The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran — it provides life lessons in a very impactful way leading to deep thought and introspection.
Question 5
What’s your favorite movie or TV show?
A: Idiocracy