
First LLP Exam Set for April 30 in Denver

In just two months, the first class of LLPs will be able to represent clients in certain family law matters in the state of Colorado.

Bill Affirming the Licensure Program for Legal Paraprofessionals Passes Unanimously in Committee

In an unanimous vote, the Colorado House Judiciary passed a bill that would create a new licensure program for legal paraprofessionals.

Outstanding Legal Professionals 2022: Jared Drotzmann

Wheeler Trigg O'Donnell paralegal Jared Drotzmann explains how sports, farm life and a Julia Roberts movie prepared him for the courtroom.

Outstanding Legal Professionals 2022: Melissa Dymerski

Moye White’s Melissa Dymerski has fully immersed herself as a paralegal in two complex legal worlds – real estate and brewing.

Outstanding Legal Professionals 2022: Margaret Cawthra

After more than 20 years in Brownstein's real estate department, Margaret Cawthra is preparing junior paralegals to take on new challenges.

Outstanding Legal Professionals: Emily Vanstrom

For Emily Vanstrom, a patent assistant at Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP, the firm’s inventor clients are priority one.