Court Opinions: 10th Circuit Court of Appeals Opinion from Aug. 17

The 10th Circuit partially remanded a breach of contract case, stemming from competition surrounding a USDA contract.

Legal Lasso: Colorado Farmer Claims Race Discrimination in USDA COVID Relief

Legal Lasso is Law Week’s morning roundup of legal headlines across the state. Each morning, we take stock of legal issues and happenings, so...

USDA Closes Additional Comment Period on Hemp Interim Final Rule

The end of the month could have signaled the beginning of a domestic hemp production program nationwide with the start of a new final...

DEA Hemp Rule Raises Questions About Compliance

The release of a new interim final rule on hemp from the Drug Enforcement Administration in August has caused some concern within the hemp...

Attorneys Scrutinize USDA Hemp Rules

The U.S. Department of Agriculture issued its first guidance on how hemp can be lawfully produced under the 2018 Farm Bill. But with more than...

No Shortage of Rhetoric After Agency Move Announcements

There’s been no shortage of political rhetoric about recent announcements of moving headquarters of the Bureau of Land Management and the U.S. Department of...

Copious Rules (and Money) To Be Made in Hemp

With the enactment of the 2018 Farm Bill, the waiting game began for the federal government’s rules on hemp commerce. In the meantime, hemp-derived products...

Denver Attorneys Help Talladega College Expand

Students at an Alabama college will see new dorms this coming semester thanks to a complicated but effective deal helped along by Denver public...